York to Edinburgh

Arch at York Priory Hotel

Arch at York Priory Hotel

Today we said goodbye to our lovely room at the York Priory Hotel, which we loved. Like the room in Lermoos, this one was quite special and we recommend it if you’re going to York. The room was great, it had parking, and the city centre is ½ mile away – a very easy and pleasant walk.

Darrell bought some baked goods at a local bakery for breakfast, put most of the luggage in the car, then strolled around for one last set of pictures of the hotel and the old city wall. We then checked out. On the way out, the kids met a couple of boys with remote controlled cars who were quite nice and shared. The boys were 8 and 10, about the same ages as Iain and Halleigh. They hit it off instantly – Minecraft fans as well. Not having much for plans other than a four hour drive to Edinburgh, we sat and chatted with their parents who were also quite nice. They had lived in Australia but now were in England and the father had just gotten a job in York. They were in the hotel until they could get the keys to their new apartment. We chatted with them until noon then climbed into the Mondeo Titanium X (sounds like something you’d name a rocket, and I guess it is a bit like a Saturn V one 😉 ) and headed off to Edinburgh.

Front of York Priory Hotel

Front of York Priory Hotel

Nothing much to report on the drive. Had thought to stop by Hadrian’s wall on the way up, but decided against it for various reasons. For those interested in history, Hadrian’s wall was built by the Romans around 122 AD. It goes from coast-to-coast and there are various theories as to why it was built. Darrell has seen it a couple of times before. It is impressive in its length, but has narrow roads around it, it doesn’t really have buildings in it that one can look around in, so not everyone may have been as interested in it anyway.

We arrived in Edinburgh around 6:30 PM. After checking in, ran out to get some take-away food. After dinner, a quick walk along the seaside. I should note that we’ve gone from a nice hotel to a hotel likely built in former Marine barracks. Or, at least that the assumption given the location and road name – Marine Drive.

Might be too bad that we didn’t arrive earlier as well. Weather was quite nice today. Forecast for tomorrow is rain.

Oh yeah, tooth loss count this trip:

Iain:  3

Halleigh: 1

Our Room at York Priory

Our Room at York Priory

York City Wall

York City Wall

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