“Industrial Action”

Mini Grote Markt

Mini Grote Markt

Today was an “Industrial Action” day – the Belgium rail workers were on strike. As you may recall, we had intended to go to Köln (Cologne) today, but couldn’t get tickets due to the pending strike. Turned out to be a good thing too, I suppose as, even if we had gotten tickets, the trains weren’t running in Belgium anyway. Deutch Bahn was only running the high-speed rail from Kōln to Frankfurt due to the strike.

So Metro day passes for everyone it was and stayed local. Went out to see the European Community buildings in Eastern Brussels. That turned out to be a disappointment. Map showed a nice park near the buildings. But buildings and trees blocked the view of them. They didn’t seem to be that special either. Impressive for their size and modernness compared to their surroundings, but also seemed a bit out of place. Traffic was bad going through there as well, though some construction of some new buildings there might have been a contributing factor.

Back to the centre of town for some lunch before going out to Mini Europe. Kids really enjoyed Mini Europe! It was pretty neat. They even had Dover Castle there, the castle that guards the town Darrell was born in. Chan commented that the kids didn’t seem to care much about seeing the real things but really enjoyed seeing the miniatures. We also let the kids burn off energy in a playground outside of Mini Europe, grabbed some dinner and headed back.

After getting the kids to bed, Darrell set to work planning the next day, caught up on some news, then watched the end of the Germany vs. Algeria match, which was a good game that went into extra time, just to make sure he stayed up extra late. 😉

Mini Cathedral

Mini Cathedral

Mini Dover Castle

Mini Dover Castle

Darrell the Palace Guard

Darrell the Palace Guard

Mini French Castle

Mini French Castle

Mini Spanish Castle

Mini Spanish Castle

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